
HBD to my BFF

I'll make it short because I'm sure you're here for the embarrassing pictures (some must be kept sacred)

If you know me, it's more than likely you know or know of Katie. People are usually surprised when we tell them we met while attending the same homeschool group (shouts 2 CV Homeschoolerz.) We became friends in 4th or 5th grade and have been bffz ever since. I'm not really sure what bonded us when we first met... maybe it was our love for Xanga and Michael Phelps... maybe it was our mutual dislike for horses. Whatever it was, we hit it off and it's hard to remember a time when she wasn't a part of my life. Katie ended up leaving me to fend for myself when she went to Living Word in 8th grade but it all worked out because she taught me everything I needed to know about fashion and what those "school kids" are doing (thanks girl, I owe you.) After she graduated, we were pretty much together everyday and sometimes I would go to her house, sit in her bedroom and wait for her to get home (oh to be unemployed.) Through every season of life and every change, she has remained such a constant and wonderful friend. Everyone deserves to have a friend like Katie because she genuinely cares about every person she meets. She will laugh at practically any of your jokes and she always has something encouraging and uplifting to say. She's a little fashionista and is always the best at snaggin' the deals. All that to say, HBD to my BFF. You're the best and I love ya!