
To Market, To Market

With this Central Market video going around, I'm taking it as the perfect excuse to rant and rave about the most wonderful place in Lancaster and how I’ve grown to love it!
My family bought a market stand, Shenk’s Poultry, about 12 years ago and it has been a huge part of my life growing up. I started working there when I was 11 and thought it was the greatest thing. Getting up at 4AM with my dad, driving the big “chicken truck” in together... I remember he would always buy me a donut at the bakery stand as soon as they opened and it was a pretty cool gig when you’re a middle schooler getting paid 10 cents for every dozen eggs you sell (#STACKS) 
When I was 14 I started working every Saturday (against my will) and did a ridiculous and embarrassing amount of complaining because ew, you have to touch the chicken AND get up at 7AM on the weekend like, why do my parents hate me? “You’ll be happy we’re making you work when you want to buy a car in a couple years” is what I was always told and I will publicly admit that they were 100% right and I’m so thankful my parents were the slave drivers that forced me to work those long and strenuous 6 hour days. I think I was 16 or 17 before I started to really appreciate and love working there. All it took was trying out a few other jobs before realizing how special and different market really was and I was soon working there again. I think my favorite part about Central Market is the people I meet and the ones I work with. I love seeing the regular customers, knowing them by name and knowing what they want each week. Not to mention I get to work with my dad, brother and aunt. What a party. Of course, the food is also wonderful and something that’s hard to find anywhere else because it’s fresh EVERYTHING. My fav foods (besides the chicken, duh) is the salads, fruits and veggies and the best fresh squeezed orange juice. Oh, and the Ginger, Lemon, Honey Tea in the wintertime. Yumyumyum. So if you’ve never been to market, now you know what you’re missing. I'm telling you...Tuesday, Friday and Saturday it is the place to be.  


Weekend in Utah

Ever since Alyanna left for college a few years ago, it was no question that at some point I would need to fly out to visit her. Last Thursday, we finally made it happen and I took a trip to Provo, Utah for the weekend. After the longest flight of my life (cause I was SO EXCITED) Alyanna and her roommate Desiree picked me up from the airport and our fun-filled weekend started with some super delicious pizza at Pizzeria Limone followed by donuts at Art City Donut Food Truck. Later that night, I experienced my first IDP (iPod Dance Party) which I’m convinced is a trend that needs to start in Lancaster because who doesn’t love a good dance party?
Friday I got a chance to see my childhood friend Rachel (who I haven't seen in years!) and meet her sweet little boy! It was the happiest and it worked out perfectly since she only lives 5 minutes from Alyanna's house. I also took a little run around Provo while Alyanna was in class. Trying to blend in with the college kidz is hard if you’re stopping to take pics of all the mountains cause they’re so cool and they’re EVERYWHERE. Friday night we ate dinner at a cute little place called Cubby’s where I got the most delicious Apple Chicken Pecan Salad with even better sweet potato fries. Really though, I still think about those fries. 
sweet little Bennett, so squeezy.

Saturday may have been my favorite day. We went to brunch at the greatest resturaunt in Provo (from what I’ve experienced) called Communal. You order a bunch of plates then share everything and it was the best brunch of my life. Alyanna raved about this place and it lived up to all my hopes and dreams. Have you ever had Stuffed French Toast? I'll never be the same. Not to mention the atmosphere and decor was so cute. I loved it all. 
After Communal, Drew, Alyanna and I went to Mona Lake where we hung out for the afternoon. Swimming in a lake with the most breathtaking mountains in the background... I could not get over it and I’m still mad my phone could not capture just how beautiful it really was. I LOVE UTAH. Dinner @ Cafe Rio which I had been told was similar to Chipotle so there’s no way it could disappoint. And later that night we went to the Utah State Fair! How touristy. 

On my last day, we took a hike to Stewart Falls which is beautiful in every way and just so much NATURE all around. Ended our hike with a trip to In-N-Out which I learned you cannot visit the West Coast without experiencing. I’m not a huge burger person but these were YUM. And cheap too so... win win. My favorite part of the trip was hanging out with my sweetest friend and the BEST tour guide, meeting lots of new friendz and of course all the food, food, food (how do you pick a favorite?) It was such a fun weekend and I’m so thankful that I had the chance to see such a beautiful state and finally be reunited with one of my best friends! Pics and vids don't do this state justice. UTAH IS SO BEAUTIFUL and I definitely plan to visit again! 

Utah from Vanessa Shenk on Vimeo.



Last weekend Conor, Austin and I went to Made in America, the COOLEST music festival in Philly filled with an absurd amount of people dressed in red, white and blue. The concert was general admission which is the best/worst because you never know what to expect. Our game plan all along was to arrive early(10:30AM), go straight to the main stage and stay there until Kanye West (YEAH) performed at 10:30PM that night. Unfortunately, that meant missing J. Cole and a few others that were performing on different stages but... sacrifice. While waiting for Kanye, we did see Cherub (who?), The Neighbourhood, Big Daddy Kane, City and Colour and The National (seen jumping into Conor's arms in the video below) Thankfully, everything went exactly as planned and we experienced Yeezy from the very front row.  If you're thinking "hey, that sounds SICK" you're exactly right... but it didn't come easy. Here's a few tips if you're planning to do the same thing at #MIAfest next year:

-Don't drink water. If you start to feel dehydrated, small sips only because if you leave to use the bathroom, you're not getting back.
-Make friends with the people around you since you're more than likely stuck with them for the next 12+ hours. But don't be too friendly or they'll think they can push their way into your spot and YOU WAITED FOR THAT SPOT.
- Don't eat anything. Possibly the hardest part for all of us because FOOD.
- If someone asks to switch spots with you for "one band" because it's their "favorite band" and "you're just here for Kanye" you respectfully decline. If they persist, call for SE-CUR-ITY.
- Don't fall for the "nice guy" next to you offering water and cliff bars from his backpack. It sounds appealing when you haven't eaten for so long you think you have forgotten how to chew HOWEVER, he's trying to give you no choice but to have to leave your spot for the bathroom. Stay strong.
- Play games to pass the time. We played "Which body part do you want to cut off most right now?" Legs, back, head.
- Don't bother bringing deodorant, everyone smells and there's barley enough room to lift your hands above your waist anyways.
- Be nice to the security guards, our bro Courtney hooked us up.
- If your friends start to say "I'm so hungry" you tell them NO, YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY. Hunger is for the weak.

Ask all three of us and we'll give you the same answer.
Was it worth it? Absolutely. #YOLO
Would we do it again? I mean, we'd have to be out of our minds, right?