
Decree: a thing, and it shall be established

You know when you discover the best tv show or see a really great movie and can hardly wait to tell someone about it? Well, I have plenty of tv shows I could recommend (HMU)... but in this case I’m about to share a book with you that will ROCK your world. My friend Becky and I stumbled upon this little gem a couple years ago and somehow it got lost on my book shelf (one very small book shelf) and I re-discovered it a month or two ago. 

DECREE: a thing, and it shall be established by Patricia King

This book is filled with biblical truths that you can take hold of and claim over your life. Healing,  wisdom, prayer, favor (ect) and every time I read it I get PUMPED and here’s why - It has changed my mindset when it comes to taking what The Lord says in his Word and making it come alive in my everyday life.

How many things do we live with and simply "accept" because we think “it’s just the way life is”? God has given us the authority to create and speak LIFE into every day. All of this is not to say you should never have a bad day, never have a negative thought or go through seasons in life that are harder than others... Because we all do. But I have to ask myself am I accepting this or am I speaking against it? The Lord loves us so much and WANTS to bless us but it's up to us to dismiss the things that are not from Him and instead, speak His truth over our lives. It can be kind of scary when I think about how much power we hold by what comes out of our mouth, but it's also amazing when we realize what can happen by simply declaring and believing that The Lord wants to overwhelm and cover us with His goodness and blessing everyday. 

I’ve found in my own life that sometimes it's hard to recognize the difference between talking about your struggles and complaining/speaking negativity. For me, I think it's easy to start sharing with someone something I am struggling with then slowly can turn into complaining. But it's what we do with that struggle - whether I am speaking life or death into it - that makes the difference. Saying something like "I'm really having a hard time being patient" is different than "I'm just not a patient person" because when I say something like "I'm not a patient person" I'm actually speaking that very thing over myself. AND WHO WANTS THAT? 

Making these declarations and actually saying them out loud is something I have been trying to do each day even if it's just 2 or 3 minutes. So here’s a few lil suggestions: 

1. Go buy this book. I got mine on Amazon! (Gold mine) 
2. Rather than just reading it silently, say it out loud. The devil cannot hear our thoughts and there's power in speaking out these truths confidently! Wait till no one is home if you want, because I know I feel awkward otherwise. ("No, I'm not talking to myself")
3. Share it with everyone you know because positivity and JOY from Jesus is what is going to bring change. I'm continually learning that He wants us to walk everyday in blessing, no matter where we're at in life. It's simply our responsibility to declare it and believe it no matter what the circumstance is.