
Charleston, South Carolina

A few months ago my mom and aunt were planning a short vacation to Charleston, South Carolina for this winter. When I heard about it, I obviously offered my company and snuck in a few humble brags about what I would bring to their trip (picture taker, mapquest director, restaurant finder.) So we invited my grandma and decided to make it a little girls getaway! We left last Tuesday morning right before the icy mess and came home on Friday, just missing the huge and only big snowstorm this winter. 
As for the weather in Charleston, perfect. It was overcast the day we got there but Wednesday and Thursday were both sunny and 75-80. I could walk outside without feeling like I'm fighting to stay alive and it was as wonderful as I've been imagining all winter. It was so fun to spend this time away with some of my favorite people. I like to think I keep them young but really, they're young at heart. 

Reasons why you'll never hear a bad thing about Charleston:
- It is the cutest, quaintest town. I know you can probably gather that from pics but it really has the best of both worlds. The Historic District is full of shopping and cute little cafes and restaraunts but then you also have the beach and palm trees (!!!)

- The PEOPLE. Smiling. Friendly. Polite. I didn't come across one Debbie Downer the whole trip nor did anyone honk at us on the road.
- Their Whole Foods is so beautiful. We went twice.
- Everywhere we were felt safe. I don't think there's anywhere I would even use my mace in Charleston.
- It is probably the cleanest city I've ever been to. On our carriage ride downtown, we learned why it's so important to those that live there to keep their city clean. You could probably sleep on the streets (but we didn't even see any of that.) Here's a pic with our carriage driver, Myron. Most of the time we were pretending to understand his historical jokes. 
- There is an endless amount of places to eat. PTL for Yelp. This post is lacking in food pics (I know, sorry) because most of the time I was just too hungry. 
- Speaking of food, they have Acai Bowls! I found the only cafe (to my knowledge) that makes them in Charleston and I was dying to try one. I could say so many things about how tasting this for the first time was one of the most memorable experiences of my life blah blah blah but I'll just tell you this... it exceeded expectations and I'm convinced everyone would love them (and a cafe in Lancaster NEEDS to start making these.)
Spending 3 days apart from my winter coat felt like paradise and it was a little depressing coming home to the teen temps. However, this was the perfect little getaway that came at the best time. Now only a couple more months till we're complaining about how hot it is. Can't wait. Thx for reading. 

Charleston from Vanessa Shenk on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. i'm quite shocked you of all people haven't experienced an acai bowl until now tbh
